Friday, February 25, 2011

Exam Fever

Published in Widening Horizon, A monthly Monthly Newsletter of Indian Education Schiool, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kuwait, Feb 2011 Issue

Dear Students,
The exam time is approaching fast and the exam fever is about hit every one soon. I think this is the right time to share some small facts with you all. I honestly admit that the following article is not a piece of original creative writing but a compilation of years of experience of many friends. Just in time- may be useful to many of you.
Tips for Reducing Exam Anxiety
The most commonly reported symptoms are:

• Memory blocks or “blanking out” on things that you have studied;
• Fear of failing before the exam is even written;
• Physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, etc.;
• Lower reading comprehension; and
• Poor attention and inability to concentrate

These symptoms can also appear as you study for exams.

In order to overcome exam anxiety, you need to work on what you have control over when it comes to exams how you study, what you study, etc.), and not worry about what you can’t control (kinds of questions, number of questions, how other students perform, etc.).

Tip 1
Be Prepared Early
The most common cause of exam anxiety is lack of preparation for the exam. Set up a study schedule at least three weeks before your first exam. You may find that you actually need to start studying very early due to other commitments. Planning ahead also assists you to avoid cramming which can be a major cause of exam anxiety. On the exam day start early, reach in time. Present yourself in the exam hall before 15 minutes at least. Do not believe friends who say he/she knows everything or he/she has not read at all. Both are lies meant to give you false image.

Tip 2
Sleep Well- at least 5 hours of sound sleep
Regular sleep is one of the best ways to control stress. Getting up and going to bed each day at the same times ensures that your body and brain are getting the rest they need for optimal functioning. Students who follow a regular sleeping pattern have been shown to perform 30% better than students who stay up late or get up early to study. Reading early morning after a good sleep is found to be more effective than reading late night in most cases.

Tip 3
Do not increase your tea or coffee intake
Keep caffeine and sugar intake the same during exam time. Don’t increase or decrease the amount of coffee, tea or cola that you normally drink as your body and brain are accustomed to getting a certain amount. Keep things in your life as stable as possible, especially during exam time. Also eat home made freshly cooked food. You cant afford to catch infection or stomach upset just before the exam or on the day of exam. Please do not forget to include fresh fruits and green leaves in your daily diet. Do not go to exam centre with an empty stomach, nor should you go with a full stomach. Light snack is advisable before the exam. Do not forget to carry your own water bottle and take a sip in between. It will not only keep you hydrated but provide small breaks between answers.

Tip 4
Learne Relaxed Breathing
When you display any symptoms of anxiety during studying or during the exam, use relaxed breathing to calm yourself. Take your attention away from the task and take a few slow breaths. Say to yourself, “calm and relaxed” as you exhale. Practice relaxed breathing before the exam.

Tip 5
Take small breaks while studying.
Small breaks of five to ten minutes after every two hours of studying helps. Duration of study hours and breaks can be adjusted to suit individual style of studying and ability to concentrate. Watching TV for half an hour or playing a game provide essential break and can be refreshing.

Tip 6
Prepare mind maps
Review the main themes of the course earlier in the day and prepare mind maps inplace by hearting all answers on the previous day.

Tip 7
Have realistic expectations.
Do not expect miracles overnight. Try to improve your performance after each exam and thus build a good result. Do not relax in preliminary exam thinking that you would buck at the last minute and win the race. Exam is not the race. You need to develop right study skill by constant small improvements in your achievements

Tip 8
Do Your Best
Often, students start thinking negatively when things aren’t going well on an exam. This can lead to lower self-confidence and increased self-doubt. Or they start justifying the result by telling “ I did not get enough time.., if I tried my best, I could have done better..’
Give it your best possible efforts first time and each time.. so that you don’t have look for excuses and justification later.
All the best to all of you writing exams soon
Shaila Naik
Vice Principal -Middle and Senior Wing

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